1. Urban Environmental Quality Index (UEQI)
1.1 purpose
Urban Environmental Quality Index (UEQI) has been established by some local authorities since Japanfs environmental policies covered gamenity creationh as well as gpollution preventionh or gnature conservationh.
1.2 content
These indices , to be shown by figure 1, fundamentally consist of 3 groups: Pollution Prevention , Nature Conservation, and Amenity. The individual indicator is presented by the model of relation between inhabitant's satisfaction(subjective value) and physical values (figure 2).
1.3 method
First, subjective value is obtained by surveying public opinion. Second, we collect and process physical data by small districts or mesh data. Third, we make gvalue functionsh between subjective value and physical values(table 2). We integrated individual indices to middle indices, and also a total index by multiplying weights of each item.